Today I stopped at a thrift store I rarely go to for two reasons.
One – it is on the other side of town, a few miles out of my way on most of my shopping or errand running trips and two – it is usually terribly overpriced. I have found on occasion a few good deals but for the most part they are twice as high as other thrift stores in my area.
Today was my day however. I stopped there today since I had to drop off my daughter at her friends house and would be going right by the shop.
At first I only saw the usual overpriced items until I saw this beauty….
Yep, a wonderfully chippy, bamboo birdcage.
Sure it was missing the door, handle and some of the bamboo but surely I thought it would be overpriced. Imagine my surprise when this is what I saw.
$2.90 – Oh my gosh, I couldn’t believe it was actually what I thought was reasonably priced. Boy did I get there the right day – see the tag, it was dated yesterday!
I’m sure it wouldn’t have lasted long but I still can’t believe that it is mine.
I mean look at all this chippy, peeling paint character.
I love the simple curve of the top. Imagine the work to drill all these holes and put this together.
I don’t mind at all that the door is missing. It will be just that much easier to put something inside when I decide what to put in there.
Part of one piece is missing but for $2.90 I’ll overlook it.
Now to decide where to put it on my already full patio.
I’m picturing it here, above the air conditioner but I’ve only had the suitcase, birdhouse and boot planters there for a few weeks and I sort of like it as it is.
I guess I’ll have to spend some time arranging and rearranging to get just the look I want, well want for now until the next great find.
Any ideas on where I should put this birdhouse or what you would do with it?
Thanks for stopping by,
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