Thursday, July 22, 2010

Under $3 kitchen wall art

I have been collecting a bunch of frames lately to use and revamp.   I think this frame was actually from a free pile.  I know I picked up two large frames one day and only had to pay for one of them.   I blogged about my finds that day  here.  I loved it even it if didn't have any glass or backing.   It was wood, large, solidly built with just a bit of detailing. 

I thought I might make a gallery style display with it but could never decide on exactly what to do with it. 

Today it came to me.   Frame some vinyl words I put up on the kitchen wall.   They looked plain but gave the wall just a bit of interest.

I had this vinyl cling I bought for $1.66.  It was from a warehouse sale I went to earlier this summer.  There is a local company the runs school fundraisers, the kind with food as well as other items.  
I'll be the first to say most of the items you buy from school fundraisers are extremely overpriced. 
But, when they have a warehouse sale the prices are just right!!
I don't remember the price on this cling but I'm sure it was around $12 or more through the school.  At the warehouse sale all of the non-food items were 3 for $5.  I couldn't pass it up at that price.

I thought it was all one piece but it was actually five pieces.   I was able to spread out the words and leaves a bit to make a larger display.   The only negative part is you can see the vinyl on the wall.  Not exactly the look I was hoping for but hey for less than $2 I can live with it.   I guess one more reason to dream of a Cricut Expression machine.

I decided not to paint the frame and use it as I bought it.  I only took off the wire hanger from the back and hung it on the wall around the words.  

I think it frames the words and brings some importance to it.

A look from further back so you can see how big the frame really is.   I have a galley style kitchen, stove, small counter and fridge on the left, counter, sink and dishwasher on the right.

Not bad for under $3 to decorate a wall.

Hmm, $3 jewelry holder yesterday and $3 wall art today.   I wonder if I can come up with another $3 project for tomorrow???



  1. This is a cool idea! I never thought of putting a frame around a decal.

    LesleyKnitsPretty @ SwapBot

  2. Hi, I'm a new follower. I love the $3 concept of design, you might be up to something awesome. I really need to go to the dollar store because I saw another blog where they took a $1 cup and added lettering and ribbon.

    Have a good day!
    Yoli :)

  3. totally cool!
    hew follower from NFF!!

  4. Very Cute!! I'll show you reasons why you should get a Cricut Expression!! Check out my blog and you'll see!! LOL
    I'm you're new follower!!
    allie B

  5. It turned out really well! I need something similar for my big blank living room wall. Thanks for sharing. I especially like the price ;-) visiting from NFF.


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