Monday, July 19, 2010

Lamp makeover

Last week I took some pictures for a craft area swap I was in on  Swap-Bot

Pardon the mess. 
Yes, my crafting area is always a bit messy.   I'm not sure you can trust a neat crafter. :) 
Notice the brassy lamp.   I decided I had enough of it. 
So I took a can of glossy black spray paint and gave it a couple coats.  
It looked better instantly, except for the lamp shade.

  The ivory shade made the lamp look dumpy but I didn't want to buy another shade.   After some contemplating I thought about the fabric spray paint I had seen earlier in the day.   Hmm, could I spray paint the shade?   Sure, why not?   If it didn't go well I could always take it apart and make a new shade or buy another one if it went horribly wrong.  

A couple coats of silver spray paint and a new shade was born.  At first I painted just the outside but when it was on the ivory/yellow hue was still visible and it didn't look right.  

A couple coats of paint on the inside of the shade and it looks a lot better.  The light is muted but looks like a new lamp and I don't need this lamp for task lighting.

I know the paint on something so close to a light bulb should probably be fire resistant, but for this lamp I was willing to take a chance with regular spray paint.

Now I'm eyeing this green lamp in the opposite corner of the living room.  
I think it may need a makeover too.


Happy crafting,

>Make it Yours @ My Backyard Eden

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! Great way to recycle too!!

    kellylynn9 - swap-bot


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