I decorated the front cover, the back cover and the inside front cover. The tins came with a foam cushion for the cd so I didn't think I needed to decorate the inside of the back cover. I attached the paper with mod podge but I think I might have to rethink that for future ones. I pulled on the ribbon to help open the tin and the back paper started to peel off. I ended up pulling it all off....... it was way to easy to do so I know it would not hold up if I gave it as a gift.
I used a sanding block to sand the back a little bit and reapplied the paper with the mod podge. I'm hoping it will stick a bit better. Maybe I'll have to use all cardstock and not the thinner scrapbooking paper. The back cover was sc rapbook paper and the front was scrapbook paper on top of cardstock. Maybe that was why only the back paper came off when I pulled on the ribbon. Maybe if I waited more than 5 to 10 minutes I would have had better luck with both the front cover and the back cover sticking well.
I cut the letter, number and tag from a Cuddlebug set that I was lucky enough to snag at JoAnn's a couple weeks ago for $9.97..... yep, that's right $9.97. They had 3 different sets that day and I picked up one as they were all fairly similiar. I didn't think I would use it too much as my Sizzix alphabets have not seen a lot of use lately. So far I've used them three times. Not a lot but not too bad. Worth the $9,97 if you ask me.
I think I feel another altered frame coming up. I found a small frame for $.30 at TJ Maxx today. The easel back is broke but I can either fix that or take it off completly and hang it up once it is altered. TJ Maxx has been a suprising source of crafting items for me lately. Today along with the frame I picked up some WR Memory Keepers ribbon, $1.99 for 30 feet, and a package with a single and double piercing bugs from Cutter Bee for $2.99. I don't know if I will use the double piercer a lot but I think I'll use the single one quite a bit.
Happy Crafting...
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