Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Do you Smash?

I’ve been enamored with the idea of Smash books and finally took the plunge and made a Smash book of my own. 

I’ve scrapbooked on and off for many years but haven’t made a scrapbook for quite a while so I thought a Smash book might be just the thing to help me start and complete a scrapbook of sorts.  I love that pretty much the only rule with a Smash book is that there is no rules – put in what you want, the goal is to just get it, whatever ‘it’ is for you, done.

And so my Smash book is 30 days of June. 

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I love the chipboard and foam letters and numbers that make up my title.

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Blog 002  I really did fill up my book so if you want it to close all the way you would really need to smash it closed.

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I purchased a few other Smash products like these little tags to help me accent my pages and keep me Smashing.  The “I will make this!” tag became one of my favorites since I knew I might need the inspiration to just finish the project – I will make this – I told myself that more than once.

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Some pages detail my days,

Blog 012 or favorite things like a birthday card from my daughter,

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or describing a camping trip.

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There are even a few pages of special treats and favorite products,

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or ongoing lists.

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I love that some of the pages have a starting point to help you complete the page.

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Many of the graphics in the Smash book I picked were vintage inspired.  Another great thing about Smash books is that they come in different themes so I’m sure there is one that you will fall in love with.

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If you are intrigued like I was with the concept of ‘Smashing’, take my advise and grab a book, your favorite embellishments and Smash.

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And so you have a peak inside of my journal of 30 days in June.  I didn’t quite complete the whole book in June but I’m calling it a success and hopefully the first of many more Smash books.

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Have you Smashed and if so what have you Smashed?  I’d love to hear about it as I have a smaller book just waiting to have things Smashed in it. 


I usually link to these fabulous parties:

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1 comment:

  1. Wow! I commend you for capturing an entire month in a scrapbook! I do scrapbooking too, but it takes all I can do just to finish a page, let alone a whole month's worth of memories. I didn't even know there was embossed Smash books. Love that!


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